Hard to believe it's been 10 years since Biggie was killed (I was a freshman in college). Woke up foggy that Sunday morning and my suitemate Neil from Shrub Oak came in my room and told me Biggie was shot and killed. I told him that's not funny. He told me to put the TV on. I did and saw the news. It was surreal. Ready to Die was blaring loudly from all corners of Dutch Quad that day. Even though Tupac died shortly before, it didn't seem right for Biggie to be killed like that. He seemed like a good guy. Sure he rapped about robbing pregnant women and raping Mom's but he made it amusing. He was only 24 years old. I remember when Juicy came out and he was rapping about how he made it and what not. I thought, "He hadn't made it yet, why was he talking like he did." Well he knew better than me. He was one of a kind, and he left a big hole in the rap world that hasn't been and is not gonna be filled. You know how everything changed after 9/11/01? Well, 3/9/97 was rap's 9/11/01. RIP Biggie.
Wow....I can't believe that was 10 years ago. We are getting old.
Dutch Quad Represent
F*ck anonymous (other than Dutch Quad represent)
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