i mean the hard core drug guys,..you know coke, heroin, all that good stuff..LT is the exception, but all he had to do was chase little white guys while he was zooted on blow... remeber bob saget once said "weed aint no drug, have you ever sucked d*$k for coke?" awesome line... haha
Wait, Saturday Night Live is still on the air?
He is definetly the gayest quarterback of all time! Too bad the cool drug infested guys like Todd Marinovich never pan out...
Wait, Michael Vick didn't pan out?
i mean the hard core drug guys,..you know coke, heroin, all that good stuff..LT is the exception, but all he had to do was chase little white guys while he was zooted on blow... remeber bob saget once said "weed aint no drug, have you ever sucked d*$k for coke?" awesome line... haha
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