Feels like the right time to couple the funniest sitcom going with the increasingly funny happenings of the Bronx Bombers.
It wasn't long ago the Yankees were considered a dynasty. Now the only semblance of a dynasty is to the 80's soap opera of that name. I'll try to tackle some of the "stories" going on with this club with the help of the good folks at the Dunder-Mifflin Scranton, PA branch (click each heading for a silly audio link).

Don't Cross the Boss - Apparently, you don't ever

That's a curious way to get hurt - Pavano's been paid $4.3 million per win (4) over the first 2 years of his contract. Also known for missing a season with bruised buttocks and broken ribs from a car accident (that he failed to notify the team about) with a floozy in tow. For sure, the most likely member of the team to George Foreman grill his foot. Not exactly getting warm and fuzzy "welcome backs" from teammates.

This one's too easy - I don't know how Yankee fans root for these guys. The Giambino. Ugh. Shame on you John Sterling. You're the worst. I'm sure the wisecracking Mientkiewchzw will fit in just lovely playing first though. Or did he take the same oath all the other players took upon becoming a Yankee to not show any character?
Toby Damon? - It won't ever seem right having this guy on the team. A true fan can't root for him (or Clemens, but I guess there's plenty of untrue fans out there all over) based on what he's done in the past. He is starting to fit in though with his recent unexplained leave of absence. It's amazing how they pieced this team together. Some fantasy lineup though.
I deserve this raise - Let me get this straight, the greatest closer in the history of the game wants to finish his career with the only organization he's ever played for and would like a little security before his contract expires as a sign of good faith. Sounds like a no brainer. He's been durable over his career, may not have the same stuff he once had, but there's no one else in the game you'd rather have in his place. I mean, would you really want to mess around with him on the open market when your division rival will be in need of a closer and are known to spend money on a whim? Well, apparently being the best at your job for years doesn't warrant a contract extension from the penny-wise Yankees. And it's not like anyone's waiting in the wings to take over. The pen should be a concern for the team even with Mariano there.
Captain Courageous - So, A-Rod's the sensitive one? It's come out that Rodriguez drove across Florida to apologize to Jeter in person after seeing his words in print from his Esquire interview. That was many years ago. Maybe if he wore a diaper and drove non-stop Jeter would have understood the love he has for him. Yeah, the stuff Alex said was touchy, but you know what, it really shouldn't have hurt Jeter so much. He was the King of New York. He had it all. When the story broke, the backlash was, "Can you believe this selfish jerk who never won anything would say this about Jeter?" Jeter could do no wrong. Nobody (media, fans, teenage girls) questioned his manhood based on what A-Rod said. But I guess he did. Now he can say all he wants about how it doesn't effect what happens on the field. I'm sure if we violated HIPAA and broke into A-Rod's psychiatrists files we might find otherwise. As Jeter continues to give his detached responses to every question thrown his way, the tide continues to turn on him. He may lead by example on the field, but you gotta do more when you wear that C on your jersey. Interesting side note, the Yankees haven't won a championship while having a team captain since 1978 and 1977 (Munson), and before that 1941 (Gehrig).The Mighty Delicate One - Don't think I'm just gonna blame Jeter for what's going on. A-Rod's one of the most talented guys to ever play the game. But he sure has some baggage. He cares way too much about what other people think about him. He doesn't seem comfortable in his own skin. He shouldn't let things get to him like they do. And he shouldn't be batting 8th in the most important game of the season. Maybe Torre was trying to put a charge in him. It didn't work. I don't have the answers on how he can put it together. It's obvious he needed a Daddy in his life. Sadly, Alex took the money and signed with Texas after the 2000 season and left the only Father figure in his life behind. That guy, Piniella, is now coaching the Cubs and the guy Alex was traded for. Can he defeat the odds and bring the Yankees a championship? I don't see it. It's become a circus, not a team. Will he opt out of his contract after this year? I don't see him doing that either. He wouldn't want to be thought of as a quitter as well as a choker. He's yours to keep Yankees fans. It's never too late to start cheering for him.
hey, stick to the mullet postings. that's what the internet was created for after all.
Jeter has been acting like a baby.. suck it up, forgive the guy and let him sleep over your house so you guys can get back to building those sick forts you are so well known for.
Hey hey...ho ho...Derek Jeter has got to go...hey hey....ho ho...Derek Jeter has got to go...Hey hey...ho ho...Derek Jeter has got to go...hey hey....ho ho...Derek Jeter has got to go...Hey hey...ho ho...Derek Jeter has got to go...hey hey....ho ho...Derek Jeter has got to go...Hey hey...ho ho...Derek Jeter has got to go...hey hey....ho ho...Derek Jeter has got to go...
Allow me to be the first to start the campaign to trade Derek Jeter....I've officially decided that I hate him. I also now hate Tiki Barber for throwing Coughlin under the bus after Col. Tom taught that fool how to carry a football properly for the first time in his life.
I want to see Tiki with a black eye reporting on the Today show that Jeter was traded to the Brewers.
Mullet posts are great, but baseball is my game...
Derek Jeter is the man, and A rod is big fat puss crying about how he wants jeter to blow him at sleep overs...Jeter is a yankees legend and will be forever... 4 rings i will take anyday over 2 mvp awards... its all bs and people should just let thewm play ball...im sure jordan and jeters trip to europe cleared DJ's Head for some time...
and the mets still blow...
someone correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure the yankees didn't have ANY captains between gehrig and munson, let alone any world series champion teams led by an official captain. good point though.
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