I came across a promotional code for the whatifsports SimLeague Football game…
Looks like they’re trying to get some interest in the game during the football off season.
If you’re not already a whatifsports user, when you get to the whatifsports homepage enter in the following promotional code towards the bottom left side of the screen: FXSLF7
If you’re already a member, enter the code by going to the WIS tab at the top of the screen and selecting Promotional Code.
If you’re becoming a new member, please enter the website thru the links found here so we get our rightful props for new recruits.
The Promo Code must be used before May 31, so the clocks ticking. And there’s no telling when they’ll nullify the code since I’m flaunting it at such a popular site here. Get in there and do it…
Now that you know how to get the free game, here’s how I would like it to be used:
I’ve put together a Football theme league that I’d like to fill amongst our friends, family, and readers…
Most theme leagues consist of ideas such as: Team must be made up of guys from the same college, only players in the 1990’s, no Cowboys allowed, and so on…
My theme league is this: You can only have Black Quarterbacks on your team, with no 2 teams having the same guy as their starting QB. Also, you cannot spend more than $24 million on your team defense (a strong d makes for a boring game). Team salary caps will be the "standard” $60 million. It will be a league recommended for newbies only, but there’s no way I can really prevent non-newbies from joining once the league goes public if it's not filled in a week. Black quarterbacks and average to bad defenses? Sounds like fun, right?
I scoured the annals of the NFL and the whatifsports QB database and came up with the following list of black quarterbacks that need to be used in this theme league (listed in highest salary order):
Daunte Culpepper - (eligible as backup for 2005-06)
Young Randall Cunningham (1986-97) (eligible as backup for 1985, 1993, 1995, 1997)
Warren Moon - (eligible as backup for 2000)
Donovon McNabb – (eligible as backup for 1999)
Mike Vick - (eligible as backup for 2001, 2003)
Young Steve McNair (1995-2002) – (eligible as backup for 1995)
Aaron Brooks - (eligible as backup for 2000, 2006)
Old Randall Cunningham (1998-2001) (eligible as backup for 1999, 2000, 2001)
Doug Williams - (eligible as backup for 1987, 1989)
Jeff Blake - (eligible as backup for 1998)
Kordell Stewart - (eligible as backup for 1995-96, 2002)
Old Steve McNair (2003-06) – (eligible as backup for 2004)
Byron Leftwich – (eligible as backup for 2006)
Tony Banks - (eligible as backup for 2003-04)
Quincy Carter – (eligible as backup for 2001-02, 2004)
James Harris – (eligible as backup for 1969-73, 1978-79)
Rodney Peete - (eligible as backup for 1989, 1991, 1994, 1996-98)
Shaun King - (eligible as backup for 1999, 2001)
Vince Evans - (eligible as backup for 1979, 1982, 1983, 1991-95)
Charlie Batch - (eligible as backup for 2003-2006)
Marlin Briscoe
Joe Gilliam - (eligible as backup for 1973, 1975)
David Garrard - (eligible as backup for 2002-05)
List of Full-time Backups:
Anthony Wright
Jason Campbell
Andre Ware
Dave Mays
Cleo Lemon
John Jones
John Walton
Parnell Dickinson
Carlos Brown
Reggie Collier
Jarious Jackson
Senneca Wallace
Tarvaris Jackson
*edit: also Ray Lucas (duh, thanks for the reminder Big Nasty)
**edit: and Dameyune Craig (didn't know him, thanks Jackmann from Shaun's Kings)
This article was very helpful in putting together the list.
Since 24 teams are needed to fill a theme league, I had to make an old McNair and an old Cunningham since sadly there were not enough different black starting quarterbacks in NFL history. While you can’t have the same starting QB as another team, you can have the same backup(s).
If you feel my list is erroneous, please comment to add/delete anyone…
I had to make my roster in order to set the league up. To be fair, I picked the quarterback that was the worst of the bunch based on salary. As such, I ended up with David Garrard.
The list of quarterbacks left to be picked will be updated in the comments sections here as the league gets filled. The league will be open to the public, so let’s make sure we represent, and represent quickly.
Winning team gets a free copy of my Fear of a Black Planet cassette tape by Public Enemy.
To get into this fantastic league, after signing in at whatifsports, click on the Sim Leagues tab and click on the Draft Center link with the type “Full”. Then select the “Existing League” button and enter in league number NFL14418 and click on Draft Team. Check the list of available quarterbacks in the comments section before picking your starter, don’t spend over $24 mil on your defense and pick whoever you want from then on… Have fun, and spread word to your friends to join the league to fill it up. The sooner it’s filled, the sooner we get the games on.
Dante Culpepper - selected by Drop the Bomb
Steve McNair
I'll take Warren Moon.
You got em' anonymous... Don't see you in the league yet, but you've got dibs.
I'll go in with Waren Moon
Didn't see Moon taken, so....Young Randall Cunningham (1986-97)it is
Be sure to join League NFL14418. I don't see Moon/Cunningham taken in the league yet...
I chose vince young (I'm Bust-a_Move)
I'll take Mike Vick
The Smithfield Pitbulls are taking Mike Vick.
Just added '04 McNabb (Team name: Slickback)
Doug Williams (Selected by Eastern Motors All-Stars)
Seems to be a race on for Vick. I haven't seen either grahamgdogg or
The Smithfield Pitbulls team join the league yet. I would say grahamdogg has called dibbs though since he posted first. It's best if you post who you've picked after joining the league to avoid such confusion... Thanks.
i am almost done drafting
Ok, I gave up Vick and took Kordell. Kept the name Smithfield Pitbulls though
Is the list posted @ 1:25pm accurate? I don't want to bogart a QB if any of the other claims posted here (Moon, McNabb, etc.) are valid though not listed in that post.
Thanks for straightening that out Smithfield Pitbulls... Good deal... And tecmo bo, Moon's definitely still available, I'd give the Slickback guy some more time to get his team together, so we'll let him keep a hold on McNabb...
I have entered with Kordell Stewart as my QB
ok I'm in with
'Bungles No More' (minus Jeff Blake, plus Ron Mexico)
Dibs on Old McNair.
@ Barry.Petchesky said...
Old McNair's taken. Young McNair's still available.
D'oh. I meant old as in, long ago. I'm taking Air Steve before his body exploded.
I've drafted. We're the Cleveland Black Browns.
I've got Moon:
Moon: The White Broncos
We're getting there... With the Black Browns joining, we've got 10 teams.
Since Slickback hasn't joined yet, I'm releaseing McNabb back into the available pool. The White Broncos just recently called dibs on Moon. Anyone who's called dibs on a QB but hasn't joined the league yet will be given an hour and a half to finish picking his or her team and join the correct league (NFL14418)...
Here's the latest QB available list:
Donovon McNabb
Aaron Brooks
Old Randall Cunningham (1998-2001)
Jeff Blake
Kordell Stewart
Tony Banks
Quincy Carter
James Harris
Rodney Peete
Shaun King
Vince Evans
Charlie Batch
Marlin Briscoe
Joe Gilliam
The taken list is as follows:
David Garrard - selected by Black Jets
Dante Culpepper - selected by Drop the Bomb
Old Steve McNair (2003-06) - selected by New York Bombers
Vince Young - selected by Bust-a_Move
Young Randall Cunningham (1986-97) - selected by Run Randall Run
Doug Williams - selected by EasternMotorAllStars
Kordell Stewart - selected by Smithfield Pitbulls
Mike Vick - selected by Bungles No More
Byron Leftwich - selected by Cleo Lemonade
Young Steve McNair (1995-2002) - selected by Black Browns
On Hold:
Warren Moon - The White Broncos (until 6:00 PM ET)
I'm going to be leaving work shortly so I may not be able to update the list until later tonight. As a rule of thumb, anyone who posts up dibs on a qb here in the comments section first will win any disputes that may arise over 2 or more teams wanting/having the same QB on their roster in the league. Thanks for joining, spread the word, the sooner it's filled, the sooner we play...
I'll take Old Randall ('98 Vikes)...
I'll take Mcnabb
i took aaron brooks
Is Jason Campbell avaialble to draft? Let me know and I'll probably start drafting after that.
Thank god for Deadspin.
I'll take Kordell. My team shall be The Watchmen.
jeff blake is mine. jm426
never mind, i misread it. i chose the wrong year, so ignore the pick
ok, now i have blake. team name: A'Splode!
Alright, sorry I haven't been able to update the list of available qb's and answer questions that were posed. I have more free time at work than at home...
As of early this morning (1:30 AM ET) here's who is still available:
Tony Banks
Quincy Carter
James Harris
Rodney Peete
Shaun King
Vince Evans
Charlie Batch
Marlin Briscoe
Joe Gilliam
The taken list is as follows:
David Garrard - selected by Black Jets
Dante Culpepper - selected by Drop the Bomb
Old Steve McNair (2003-06) - selected by New York Bombers
Vince Young - selected by Bust-a_Move
Young Randall Cunningham (1986-97) - selected by Run Randall Run
Doug Williams - selected by EasternMotorAllStars
Kordell Stewart - selected by Smithfield Pitbulls
Mike Vick - selected by Bungles No More
Byron Leftwich - selected by Cleo Lemonade
Young Steve McNair (1995-2002) - selected by Black Browns
Warren Moon - selected by The White Broncos
Donovon McNabb - selected by Miami Cartels
Old Randall Cunningham (1998-2001) - selected by The Mighty Snits
Aaron Brooks - selected by Brooks Till the End
Jeff Blake - selected by A'Splode!
Plenty of room to join and plenty of interesting QB's left to pick from...
As for the question about Jason Campbell's availability by PG... Yes, he's available to anyone. But he's best served to be a backup because of the low durability rating he has since he didn't play the whole season. You can start him, but he will most likely run out of gas and get injured at some point (from what I can tell about the game), so it's best to pick a remaining "starting" QB from the list to compliment the Campbell choice...
Thanks to all those who joined... Let's fill this puppy up and start the action... League ID NFL14418...
Thanks for the answer. I'm going to take Vince Evans and I'll probably start drafting either tonight or tommorow.
The Maybe Pile selects Tony Banks
The late night update for league ID NFL14418...
Here's who's available:
Quincy Carter
James Harris
Rodney Peete
Charlie Batch
Marlin Briscoe
Joe Gilliam
The taken list is as follows:
David Garrard - selected by Black Jets
Dante Culpepper - selected by Drop the Bomb
Old Steve McNair (2003-06) - selected by New York Bombers
Vince Young - selected by Bust-a_Move
Young Randall Cunningham (1986-97) - selected by Run Randall Run
Doug Williams - selected by EasternMotorAllStars
Kordell Stewart - selected by Smithfield Pitbulls
Mike Vick - selected by Bungles No More
Byron Leftwich - selected by Cleo Lemonade
Young Steve McNair (1995-2002) - selected by Black Browns
Warren Moon - selected by The White Broncos
Donovon McNabb - selected by Miami Cartels
Old Randall Cunningham (1998-2001) - selected by The Mighty Snits
Aaron Brooks - selected by Brooks Till the End
Jeff Blake - selected by A'Splode!
Shaun King - selected by Shaun's Kings
Tony Banks - selected by The Maybe Pile
Vince Evans - selected by Vinnie Vide Vincey
Just a half dozen QB's left to go...
Im taking Kordell Stewart
Hey AZ patriots... Kordell's been taken... Here's who's left...
Here's who's available:
Quincy Carter
James Harris
Rodney Peete
Charlie Batch
Marlin Briscoe
Joe Gilliam
The QB's left to be picked for league NFL14418 remain:
Quincy Carter
James Harris
Rodney Peete
Charlie Batch
Marlin Briscoe
Joe Gilliam
When joining, remember to post who you selected in the comments section here... I'll be back to update the list Monday night.
Rodney Peete is a go...
Alright... that was fun...
We should have this filled up before the promo code expires... I've got some heavy last minute recruiting I'll need to do though...
With Condemned to RePeete joining, we're down to 5 starting QB's left:
Quincy Carter
James Harris
Charlie Batch
Marlin Briscoe
Joe Gilliam
The taken list is as follows:
David Garrard - selected by Black Jets
Dante Culpepper - selected by Drop the Bomb
Old Steve McNair (2003-06) - selected by New York Bombers
Vince Young - selected by Bust-a_Move
Young Randall Cunningham (1986-97) - selected by Run Randall Run
Doug Williams - selected by EasternMotorAllStars
Kordell Stewart - selected by Smithfield Pitbulls
Mike Vick - selected by Bungles No More
Byron Leftwich - selected by Cleo Lemonade
Young Steve McNair (1995-2002) - selected by Black Browns
Warren Moon - selected by The White Broncos
Donovon McNabb* - selected by Miami Cartels
Old Randall Cunningham (1998-2001) - selected by The Mighty Snits
Aaron Brooks - selected by Brooks Till the End
Jeff Blake - selected by A'Splode!
Shaun King - selected by Shaun's Kings
Tony Banks - selected by The Maybe Pile
Donovon McNabb* - selected by aPimpNamedSlickback
Vince Evans - selected by Vinnie Vide Vincey
Rodney Peete - selected by Condemned to RePeete
*McNabb has been allowed to be selected by 2 teams due to unclear rules on calling dibs on players earlier on. Please note that one McNabb is from the 2000 season and the other is from 2004, making them, in a sense, very different QB's.
Super Nintendo has taken Charlie Batch off the board, leaving only 4 QB's left to be picked:
Quincy Carter
James Harris
Marlin Briscoe
Joe Gilliam
The taken list is as follows:
David Garrard - selected by Black Jets
Dante Culpepper - selected by Drop the Bomb
Old Steve McNair (2003-06) - selected by New York Bombers
Vince Young - selected by Bust-a_Move
Young Randall Cunningham (1986-97) - selected by Run Randall Run
Doug Williams - selected by EasternMotorAllStars
Kordell Stewart - selected by Smithfield Pitbulls
Mike Vick - selected by Bungles No More
Byron Leftwich - selected by Cleo Lemonade
Young Steve McNair (1995-2002) - selected by Black Browns
Warren Moon - selected by The White Broncos
Donovon McNabb - selected by Miami Cartels
Old Randall Cunningham (1998-2001) - selected by The Mighty Snits
Aaron Brooks - selected by Brooks Till the End
Jeff Blake - selected by A'Splode!
Shaun King - selected by Shaun's Kings
Tony Banks - selected by The Maybe Pile
Donovon McNabb - selected by aPimpNamedSlickback
Vince Evans - selected by Vinnie Vide Vincey
Rodney Peete - selected by Condemned to RePeete
Charlie Batch - Super Nintendo
Room for only 3 more teams...
James and fellow Black QB League Participants,
I think it is a great idea that you are starting a league with African American QB's and paying homage to them. Many of the men that will be listed on your rosters were not given the appreciation or honors they deserved. Now some of their names and careers can be recognized.
I will definitely pass along the word of the league to the Field Generals and other black qb's that I talk to. Also please visit www.bqb-site.com for everything you ever wanted to know about black qb's and try to pick up the ESPN book "Third and a Mile" which details their stories first-hand.
Best Wishes to the league.
Editor of the Black QB website
I will take Carter, signed kammeyer
Remember the Giants - Marlin Briscoe
Well that does it...
The league is filled...
Looks like Joe Gilliam is the odd man out...
Thanks to all who joined... Now let's have some fun.
Here's a run down of the teams and their QB:
David Garrard - selected by Black Jets
Dante Culpepper - selected by Drop the Bomb
Old Steve McNair (2003-06) - selected by New York Bombers
Vince Young - selected by Bust-a_Move
Young Randall Cunningham (1986-97) - selected by Run Randall Run
Doug Williams - selected by EasternMotorAllStars
Kordell Stewart - selected by Smithfield Pitbulls
Mike Vick - selected by Bungles No More
Byron Leftwich - selected by Cleo Lemonade
Young Steve McNair (1995-2002) - selected by Black Browns
Warren Moon - selected by The White Broncos
Donovon McNabb - selected by Miami Cartels
Old Randall Cunningham (1998-2001) - selected by The Mighty Snits
Aaron Brooks - selected by Brooks Till the End
Jeff Blake - selected by A'Splode!
Shaun King - selected by Shaun's Kings
Tony Banks - selected by The Maybe Pile
Donovon McNabb - selected by aPimpNamedSlickback
Vince Evans - selected by Vinnie Vide Vincey
Rodney Peete - selected by Condemned to RePeete
Charlie Batch - Super Nintendo
Quincy Carter - WILLIAMS WON IT ALL!
James Harris - Choctaw Hammers
Marlin Briscoe - Remember the Giants
Although this code has expired... we've got a fresh one for baseball...
Read the post here and join.
Congratulations to Donovon McNabb and the Miami Cartels for winning the Championship over Old Steve McNair and the New York Bombers... It was a glorious season for league MVP McNair, capped off with the Championship... He didn't even get sick down the stretch... Best black quarterback ever? This simulated game says so...
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