Las year he was named "The Successor" now he is getting a divorce, got caught for a DUI and he lost his job. Ladies and Gentlemen here is your Kick in the Nuts Man for the month of March... Steve Swindal!
What a headspinning fall from grace that must be. It will be funny when he is forced to end up humping the daughter of whoever owns the Royals just so he can stay in the front office of an MLB team.
What a headspinning fall from grace that must be. It will be funny when he is forced to end up humping the daughter of whoever owns the Royals just so he can stay in the front office of an MLB team.
damn... at least i held onto my job.
You were Steinbrenner's boy toy? Who knew?
been 6 years and counting now...
How very cosmopolitan of you.
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